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This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. I searched first for beauty mark & mole & didn’t see anything like this. 🙂 I have a mole about 3/4 inch below the corner of my mouth, and it stopped producing melanin pigmentation about 10 years ago (I did have a doctor look at it, the spot seems unproblematic). While it was a perfectly nice place for a beauty mark, now that it’s flesh tone it looks like a witchy wart to me. 😛 (You can see it in my FOTD post today). I’ve tried darkening it with brow pencil before, and it looked nice but I inevitably smudge it and look super derpy. Sign up for subscriber-only discounts and the latest product releases! Resolution: PNG Size: Directions: Fill the gap between the eyebrow. ” + _localizedStrings.redirect_overlay_title + ” Probably one of the most coveted eyebrow product in the history of Tony Moly brow makeup here in the Philippines. When you see these on the shelves, grab them quick cause it will get OOS real fast. So, argan oil comes from the kernel of the argan fruit that comes from the argan tree that grows only in Morocco. The tree is slow growing and getting the oil is a hard job. The traditional process is that the ripe argan fruits fall from the tree, then goats eat them up and poop out the seeds. The seeds are collected and smashed with a stone to get the kernels inside. This part is the hard one as the seeds have extremely hard shells. Once the kernels are obtained, the oil is pressed out from them (the kernels contain about 50% oil). I didn’t find it increased the length of my lashes but definitely coated them well. The brush doesn’t work well with this formula as you need to to be able to brush them out as it’s quite a runny wet formula that coats the lashes well but cause of this can clump easily.
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